Lanzarote Sept. 27-29: Exclusive Art Nude workshop

  • 11.250,00 kr
Tax included.

Experience a productive Art of Nude Photography holiday in the Stunning Landscapes of Lanzarote.

Join master photographer Thomas Holm for an exclusive 3-day workshop with top models CB Modeling, Wianamodel, and The Endless Sinner. Three stunning women who are not only amazing models but are also super fun to hang out with.

Workshop Overview:

Dates: September 27-29
Location: Charco del Palo, Lanzarote

Embark on a photographic journey that explores the captivating art of nude photography amidst the breathtaking volcanic scenery of Lanzarote. Expect slot canyons, black beaches, stunning architecture, volcanic caves, sea caves, and much more.

This workshop is designed for photographers eager to enhance their skills and creativity or who want an opportunity to capture stunning art nude model images in some of the most unique and picturesque locations in Europe. 

Enjoy shooting in the most breathtaking settings without the hassle of
paying for models' travel or researching locations, as all logistics have been expertly handled in advance.

And one detail you might be interested in:
Public nudity is allowed in Lanzarote (with some limitations).

What You'll get out of this:

  • Master Composition Techniques: 
    Learn how to frame your subjects for maximum visual impact, using triune brain theory to captivate the viewer's attention and "force them" to engage with your images.
  • Utilizing Natural Light: 
    Discover the magic of working with natural light to create soft,
    dramatic and ethereal images.
  • Model Interaction:
    Gain confidence directing and engaging with models to bring out
    their best poses. Our professional models will also offer suggestions on improving communication and posing to enhance your skills, should you need that.
  • Creating Timeless Images: 
    Focus on producing work that stands out and remains
    impactful over time. Thomas Holm will share his considerable award-winning knowledge and experience to help you excel.

Workshop Details:

Price: DKK 9.000 (excluding tax).
The workshop price can be split into three rates:
The first is payable online; the second is via Bank transfer.
Use Checkout code Incremental Lanzarote workshop payment for this option.
If Ordering in August use Incremental Lanzarote workshop payment AUG to pay 50% of the workshop fee.
(*) Further details are at the bottom of this text.


  • Professional tutoring by Thomas Holm
  • Model fees with model releases
  • Access to locations pre-selected for their stunning visual appeal
  • Personalized feedback sessions to improve your photography
  • Opportunities for early morning shoots during the golden hours
  • The possibility of shooting erotic images in a trusting and respectful environment
  • Ongoing support and advice from Thomas Holm throughout the workshop
  • A communal dinner to bond with the group and promote interaction with the models

    Does NOT include:
    • Travel and accommodation
    • Meals and personal expenses
    • Admission to museums should we visit any.

For personalized attention, it is limited to a maximum of five people.

One key advantage of our multi-day workshop format is the ability to shoot during the golden hours of early mornings and late evenings, ensuring the best natural light for your photography. 

That leaves midday for locations that work best for indoor shoots, possibly a bit of sightseeing (there are some super cool places in Lanzarote), and lunch when the light is too harsh for photoshoots.

You receive tailored guidance and feedback with fewer participants, fostering a supportive learning environment.

For convenience and to fully immerse yourself in the experience, we recommend staying at Charco del Palo, a nudist village that will serve as the workshop base.

Finding accommodation within the village or nearby will enhance your experience, and from there, all photography will begin.
Check out or Airbnb, for example.

OBS: Nudity is not required and is not in your face.
Supermarkets and restaurants are clothed areas. Clothes are fine anywhere in the village; nudity is optional.

Model Information
Our professional models, CB modeling, The Endless Sinner, and the Wiana model, are not shy and are comfortable with erotic photography. 

They will work with you in a trusting environment to create stunning and tasteful images, offering their suggestions and posing techniques to help you capture their best sides. They can work unaided and take direction well.

Requirements to participate

The requirements for participating in the workshop are easy. This is for everyone who wants to photograph art nudes:

  • You own a camera that can be set to manual and have a reasonably good idea about how to use it. Even if you only have a 50mm, you can join, but having something like a 24-70mm will cover almost anything you need.
  • You desire to create art-nude images of beautiful models in a relaxed (and warm) location.
  • You can respect the model's boundaries and treat them (and the other participants) respectfully.
  • Your proficiency level or which camera or lenses you own is optional. 
    Thomas Holm will assist you to whatever degree you need/require regarding the other participants' needs. 
    If you are super skilled and prefer no help, that is fine, too.

Why Join This Workshop?

  • Exclusive Access to shoot in unique and stunning locations that are otherwise not easy to find and have been pre-selected for their visual impact.
  • Expert Guidance from Thomas Holm, a multi-award-winning art-nude
    photographer with years of experience and a wealth of knowledge. And if you prefer not to have guidance, that is fine, too.
  • Hands-on learning will give you the benefit of practical shooting sessions combined with in-depth evaluations, allowing you to improve each day.
  • A Small Group Setting with limited participants ensures personalized attention and a supportive learning environment with like-minded participants.
  • This is your chance to break free from creative blocks and discover newfound creativity, inspiration, and techniques to elevate your photography.

Secure your spot now for an unforgettable photographic experience.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn and grow as a photographer in one of the most beautiful and inspiring locations.

Don't miss out on this chance to elevate your art and create stunning images
that will stand the test of time.

Spend time bonding with some fantastic models you will love working with.

PS: If this doesn't satisfy your creative urges, you need to fill up your memory cards; you can book the models for an extra day, pending availability.

All the boring stuff:
When you sign up, you are free to cancel until July 1st.
After that, the signup is binding, but you can switch places with a colleague. We will also help you find another participant to take your space should you not be able to participate, provided this is possible and for a fee.


(*) If you choose a payment plan, you will pay 1/3 upon signup. 
If you sign during August, we can split the payment into two installments (and pay 50% upon signup), the second due by the beginning of September.
For the remaining installment(s)., we will send you an invoice with that payment due by the following month and the one after. 
Should you fail to pay any of the following installments, we are allowed to make "your" space available to other participants, and you will not receive a refund. (This sounds harsh, and I only want to utilize this option if I have to, but I also want to be able to receive timely payments.)
All workshop fees must be paid by two weeks before the workshop starts.